Brother George Zebrowski

When Brother Zeno visited his family in Poland in 1971, I was only a teenager. He asked me – George, what you are planning to do in your life? I answered: I would like to be a mechanic, engineer or sailor. Later on I decided to become a Franciscan like him. He died in Japan in 1982, and I was ordained to Priesthood in Poland in 1986.

I was fascinated by my uncle, Brother Zeno. I wrote my masters thesis about Brother Zeno’s charitable work in Japan. I used to learn Japanese. I was planning to go to Japan and work there as a Franciscan missionary, in a way continuing the work of my uncle. In the year 2000, I went to Japan to see his grave and the institutions established by him.

Shortly after my ordination, I was send to Kenya to reinforce a new Franciscan mission in Africa. I worked very hard there, feeding the hungry, building churches, building water-lines to facilitate the life the destitute… It was quite an interesting experience for me. I love the people over there and they loved me in return. As a sign of honour and special respect, they gave me a tribal name, “Bathere Muthuma” – “Father Uniter”

She was a very happy, kind and religious Mom. When, one day, I expressed my desire to become a priest – she cried. She was just afraid that, she will lose her son. She thought that, like Brother Zeno I would leave Poland forever. Later on she accepted my decision. She was even very happy and proud that, God has chosen her to be a Mother of a priest. She was always there for me.

As a young priest, shortly after my ordination, on the way to Kenya, I personally met The Holy Father. It was a very emotional meeting for me. The Pope knew my uncle very well. He was very happy that I am following in the footsteps of Brother Zeno. We had quite a long and pleasant conversation., He gave me a special blessing. I will never forget those wonderful moments!

Brother George Zebrowski in Canada. After several years of hard and joyful work in Kenya, I came to Canada. The experience I gained in Africa helped me to better serve people here. In a multicultural society of Canada, I can still learn about the different cultures and share my experience with the people. Like for Brother Zeno, serving people of God, gives me a lot of joy and priestly satisfaction.

It is so great to be a Franciscan, because like Saint Francis of Assisi
I can sow love – where there is hatred,
I can bring pardon – where there is injury,
I can bring faith – where there is doubt,
I can bring hope – where there is despair,
I can bring light – where there is darkness,
I can bring joy – where there is sadness.
Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace.